Update notes


- Scream crash fix
- Not displaying skill overhead messages for Scream and Frost Joke anymore

v525 (2025-02-01)
- Fixed weapon not displayed during attack animation
- Disabled arrow effect for musical instruments
- Fixed oldest version of char selection window: stats vertical offset and negative exp display
- Fixed self-skills casted by Abracadabra not working
- Added support for Frost Joke / Scream
- Fixed tb_layer_priority crash for packet versions not supporting it
- Fixed robes not being visible for GMs
- 3rd and 4th jobs aura animation support

- Fixed mercenary look and headgears
- Fixed animation for flying characters
- Fixed bodystyled jobs on 20231220+ clients
- Fixed sitting character deletion not respecting body style
- Now trimming user/pass before sending to server
- Fixed chat room being created private instead of public and vise-versa
- Implemented tb_layer_priority LUA support and fixed PC sprite layers order
- Fixed hat effect multiplication over time resulted in effect oversaturation and fps drop
- Can now horizontally scroll overhead boards (vending/chatroom)

v523 (2025-01-10)
- Fixed msgstringtable.csv was reading messages by line numbers instead of MSI constants
- Fixed Neoncube patcher GPF/FLD type packing files outside of "data" directory, should unpack them to client directory instead

- Fixed app sometimes crashing when pressed back button during approaching target to cast a skill without having an active skill

- Added missing hateffect file for 20240502+ clientver (fixes hateffect startup error for these versions)

- Quickfix on rsw 2.7 maps not showing objects

- Fix startup crash of v518 for client versions with csv emotions

- Fixed some crashes on 4th job servers
- Fixed homunculus sometimes not having hp bar
- Fixed failing to use emote could result in error for new packet versions
- Security improvements

- Fixed homunculus sometimes crashing app
- Fixed changing jobs should automatically erase all skills
- Fixed crafting could make app crash / display no items available

v516b (2024-11-26)
- Improved chat room and escape menu UI
- Another attempt to fix startup crash on certain devices from v514

v515 (2024-11-14)
- Security improvements

v514 (2024-11-12)
- [sponsored] Initial implementation for search stores UI

v513 (2024-11-08)
- Fixed item skills not working when 90% overweight
- Changed Absorb Spirits to forced noshift
- Fixed crash when clicking nickname "#####"
- Fixed change cart not visually changing cart on older packet versions
- Fixed Body Relocation not visually changing character position on older packet versions
- Fixed crash when overweight on older packet versions

v512 (2024-10-20)
- Gold pc cafe button support
- Fixed msgstringtable.csv should read accodring to MSI enum values instead of line numbers 
- Name Colors 4144 patch support

v511 (2024-10-03)
- Fixed weapon not being visible during attack animation (since v502)
- Added option to view invalid plist html content if player encounters this problem
- v511b: Attempt to fix chatroom crash on some servers
- v511b: Fixed registrationweb clientinfo tags containing just website name without http and www making AndRO crash when clicked on registration button

v510 (2024-09-27)
- Disconnecting while task switching will now suggest to disable battery optimization
- Fixed crash when pressing start game at char-selection screen without selecting any character
- Fixed signboard height offset
v509 (2024-09-17)
- Stability improvements

v508 (2024-09-17)
- Optimized task switching speed for most of devices
- Optimized memory usage for most of devices
- Fixed character body sprite sometimes showing as black square
- Fixed signboardlist vertical position 

v507 (2024-09-10)
- Stability improvements for v506

v506 (2024-09-09)
- Support for Lv99 aura effect
- Fixed player emotions not being displayed on servers with new emotion UI
- Fixed hateffect lua errors for packetver 20240502+

v505 (2024-09-01)
- Support for pc/mob title in name
- ROish banking UI

v504 (2024-08-24)
- Support clear NPC dialog packet (script command 'clear')
- Support for new chunked guild emblem packet (0xb36, fixes guild emblem issues on new Hercules servers) 
- Fixed number of zeny in bank wasn't visible on some Hercules servers
- Some error messages made more verbose 

v503 (2024-08-17)
- Now showing server address in admin panel's connections listbox 
- Fixed oversized character in equip window on some servers

v502 (2024-08-05)
- Fixed homunculus becoming unresponsive after leaving view range
- Fixed various homunculus/mercenary AI implementation bugs leading to some AI functions not fully working (like AzzyAI)
- Fixed mercenary weapon not being displayed and its attack animation
- Fixed overhead messages displaying too close to character's head
- Fixed NPC dialog could appear partially outside of the screen
- Fixed small NPC menu occupying the whole screen height when shown after menu larger than the screen height
- Fixed no hit sound for non-character attacks
- Homunculus and mercenary hotkey can be now added or deleted manually
- Improved NPC dialog and menu style

v501 (2024-07-23)
- Can now add/remove proxies and country hint in admin panel (up to 3 proxies are supported)
- Fixed hat effect being still visible for invisible units

v500 (2024-07-15)
- Small internal compatibility changes

v499 (2024-07-12)
- Fixed crash when server requests to view hat effect that doesn't exist in client LUA files
- Fixed RODEX write window crash on certain servers 

v498 (2024-07-11)
- Fixed shortcuts in landscape mode restored their position if moved before changing maps

v497 (2024-07-09)
- Fixed crash when loading RSM2 models with multiple main meshes
- Fixed using RE-only files in PC shortcuts bar could lead to crash when opening PC shortcuts bar on certain servers

v496 (2024-07-08)
- Support for colors in NPC menu
- Updated style of NPC menu and dialog window
- Fixed same BGM being played on all maps (since v491)
- Fixed NPC cutin being displayed over NPC dialog/menu

v495 (2024-07-05)
- Fixed a rare startup crash for certain mobile operators clients

v494 (2024-07-02)
- Support for PC shortcut panel
- Support for hateffects with PNG sprites
- Fixed Enchant UI crash when calling MessageBox function from LUA
- Fixed some maps started to crash upon loading (since v493)
- Improved unpacking speed of large patches
- Pressing back button now prioritizes cancelling active skill over closing windows

v493 (2024-06-28)
- Fixed maps with RSW version 2.7 crashing AndRO
- Fixed bug that rotating screen could sometimes make it turn black
- Fixed bugs with RSM2 models positioning in certain screnarios
- Fixed 0x436 login packet sending incorrect client tick
- Now support t_login.jpg login background for suitable packet versions
- Going @autotrade will now send you to login screen without displaying a (sometimes misleading) disconnection message 
- Fixed crash when setting up vending on certain servers

v492 (2024-06-18)
- Fixed GM cloth palettes
- Fixed crash from v491 on msgstringtable initialization when skipping client download

v491 (2024-06-15)
- CSV msgstringtable support
- Fixed crash from v490
- Small initialization speed optimizations

v490 (2024-06-14)
- Hat effects system support
- Speed optimizations on reading encrypted GRFs

v489 (2024-06-09)
- Minor stability improvements

v488 (2024-06-06)
- Support for MSG tags in NPC dialogs and RODEX mail
- Small optimizations on reading some resources

v487 (2024-05-28)
- Fixed HTTP emblems not working on certain servers
- Fixed not all BGM files downloaded on certain servers
- Fixed a rare "bad address" error when patching

v486 (2024-05-10)
- Check attendance system support

v485 (2024-05-08)
- Stability improvements

v484 (2024-05-06)
- Convex Mirror support
- Fixed crash when logging out between attack animation start and damage numbers coming out
- Fixed error with quest list on servers with rAthena PACKETVER >= 20150513 or Hercules PACKETVER between 20150513 and 20181017 (since v482)

v483 (2024-04-19)
- Fixed not showing damage effect and enemy hit animation if not displaying onscreen damage numbers
- Fixed damage numbers being visible in gvg for PACKETVER < 20121010

v482 (2024-04-18)
- Fixed NPC dialogs sticking at the screen when taking quests for Hercules PACKETVER >= 20181017

v481 (2024-04-02)
- Fixed other characters showing as Novice in equip window for late 2023 and newer packet versions
- Fixed wide visible equips (like wings) hiding equip names in equip window
- Fixed cropped equip display in equip window
- Fixed servers with bugged orphan spr files (without corresponding act files) causing app crash instead of falling back to empty sprite

v480 (2024-04-01)
- Fixed error "Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views" if teleporting while cart is open

v479 (2024-03-30)
- Can now disband a guild
- Fixed guild emblem not being changable on new Android versions
- Fixed NPC dialog window content being cleared after pressing "next" (now it's only cleared when the next dialog appears which allows dialog content to stay on screen during "select" or "input" after "next")
- Fixed very old char-creation window showing male char for female accounts

v478 (2024-03-29)
- Now Skipping *.new files in Elurair patcher
- Fixed attack animation length for mobs with more than one "atk" sound frame
- Fixed attack animation length for mobs without "atk" sound frame

v477 (2024-03-24)
- Fixed incompatibility with some newer phones that dropped 32 bit support (mostly Android 14: Galaxy S24, Poco x6 pro, etc)

v476 (2024-03-01)
- Implemented Maya Purple effect
- Implemented automatic Maya Purple effect for admins
- Fixed not updating item information for multiple iteminfo servers based on child iteminfo patches
- Now changing monster name color depending on lvl difference
- Attempt to support nohat graymap grfs

v475 (2024-02-16)
- Fixed characters displaying as novices in newer packet versions

v474 (2024-02-16)
- Fixed app auto-close

v473 (2024-02-07)
- Fixed all characters displaying as novices in 20231220+ clients
- 4th job stats window support (paid)

v472 (2024-02-05)
- Fixed cutin not showing images from cardbmp directory
- Show item description on two single taps
- Fixed crash when long tapping UI item
- Fixed unknown item descriptions being displayed as last item description
- Support for ^i[ITEMID] tag in dialog to show item image

v471 (2024-01-22)
- Char-server PIN code support (paid)

v470 (2024-01-21)
- Additional bugfixes in app exit after logging in
- Fixed stats in stat window lines not being wide enough to contain longer stats (example: 255 + 146)
- Fixed stat incrase arrows offset
- Fixed "width / height must be > 0" error

v469 (2024-01-07)
- Stability improvements

v468 (2024-01-02)
- Fixed Spirit Handler hairstyle display
- Fixed certain players getting app exit when connecting with cellular data rather than WiFi

v467 (2023-12-16)
- Fixed app close on startup when using certain internet providers

v466 (2023-12-16)
- Fixed CAPTCHA with large images (>32767 bytes) causing crash
- Fixed a rare crash when creating character
- Fixed crash when open vending while not having lines 2475 and 2477 in msgstringtable

v465 (2023-12-05)
- Fixed refineui showing items that have only one refine material as non-refinable
- Fixed showing oversized sprites on char select / char create / equip windows for servers with HD sprites 

v464 (2023-11-24)
- Fixed a rare crash when guildmate left guild on the same indoors map

v463 (2023-11-21)
- Fixed incorrect body palette file names for certain jobs
- Error while decoding texture names when loading buggy custom maps is not fatal anymore
- Fixed LUA files compatibility for servers with old LUA version (5.0)
- Fixed chat not getting focus when 
- Support for cutin with close button

v462 (2023-11-03)
- Added commands/settings to lock camera
- Added send chat message button (for devices with Enter key not working for sending chat messages)
- Fixed refine ui layout, animations and bugs
- Fixed trade crash
- Fixed stability issues for new packet versions
- Fixed female char creation showing as male in very old char selection window
- Chat window now properly gets focus when clicked

- Fixed guild expulsion menu option not being shown if you are not a GM but still have the rights to kick
- Fixed invalid guild expulsion packet length for older packet versions
- Fixed invalid item links in announcements on top
- Fixed refine UI crash when material has ended
- Fixed refine UI not displaying continue/back buttons after refine has finished
- implemented /invite command
- fixed ROC_EMPELIUM class not falling back to protection stone display

- Fixed RODEX crash on old packet versions
- Fixed item links not working for new packet versions

- Improved multifile iteminfo support
- Fixed long map loading and black squares on the ground for some servers

- Fixed apk auto-exit bug

- Camera position now saved, separately for normal / indoors maps
- Fixed RODEX window overflowing past the screen size and other small RODEX bugs

- Fixed login-screen glitch after going back from settings
- Fixed NPC signboard having double height
- Basic support for multifile iteminfo

- Fixed long RSM animations display
- Fixed potential tick async when playing sounds, leading to playing more sounds than needed

v454, v453
- Stability improvements

v452 (2023-08-20)
- Smooth camera movement
- Support changing camera vertical angle using two fingers swipe motion
- Improved frustum culling: no more black squares at distance
- Fade in / fade out effect when warping / logging in / out
- Fixed crash when selecting character and map-server is not available and support for choosing available map
- Improved status window UI
- Support for /zoom command
- Support for /str+ /agi+ /vit+ /int+ /dex+ /luk+ commands

v451 (2023-08-04)
- CAPTCHA client checking support (optional feature)
- Fixed not being able to see NPCs when joined guild on some servers
- Hotkeys are now saved instantly when added/moved
- Fixed barter window not having buttons at the bottom in landscape mode on small screens

v450 (2023-07-27)
- Enchant Grade UI support (optional feature)
- Slot Enchant UI support (optional feature)
- RSM2 models support
- More verbose hotkey menu title

v449 (2023-07-14)
- Fixed crash when quickly pressing create button in char creation screen
- Fixed pvp score packet should be ignored if pvp is off (fixes pvp cell mod on Vision server displaying sword icon on allies)

v448 (2023-07-09)
- Fixed crash when opening buying store
- Minor clean-up on buying store interface

v447 (2023-07-07)
- Fixed crash when opening chat room from v446
- Fixed not being able to insert card into slot
- Fixed custom status change icons not being displayed
- Fixed infinite status change timers being displayed as finite
- Fixed inventory taking focus back after opening a subview
- Fixed chat commands not being available from UI hotkeys
- Minor clean-ups on chat room UI, status change UI and insert card UI

v446 (2023-07-06)
- Implemented new guild packets support (will fix problems after creating/joining a guild or logging in with a guilded character for PACKETVER >= 20200902; could also fix some guild-related problems for packet versions 20161214 and higher with latest versions of rAthena)
- Implemented guild member menu (change position / kick / change gm / 1:1 chat / send mail)

v445 (2023-07-05)
- Laphine UI support
- Fixed disconnected from server message and showing login-screen after creating new character (v444 only)

v444 (2023-07-04)
- Fixed hang if no map-servers available 
- Fixed hang after cancelling to server selection window and re-selecting server
- Fixed a rare crash when quickly selecting server before all server have been pinged

v443 (2023-06-24)
- Added setting to keep device screen on during gameplay to prevent disconnection
- Device screen is now always on during client download to prevent disconnection
- Fixed right click menu on double click setting not being loaded
- Fixed crash when adding items to rodex
- Fixed rodex write window not shifting items when item has been removed
- Fixed windows overlapping problems
- Improved chat window design
- Removed cash shop button from the top-right, cash shop is now only in the top-left menu
- Fixed cart re-appearing after being removed on certain servers
- Fixed remove cart / animal and cart items buttons in equipment window not being updated automatically
- Fixed cutin blocking player movement, fixed cutin always being in the same position
- Cutin is no more automatically closed when the script ends
- Fixed items visually staying in inventory after being sold to buying store
- Fixed teleport message notification not being displayed

v442 (2023-06-18)
- Fixed crash when trying to uncompress invalid emblem instead of displaying white square like in PC

v441 (2023-06-11)
- Implemented RSW version 2.6 support (will fix new maps not loading in new packet versions)
- Implemented 0xb79 extended barter packet support (will fix extended barter window not opening in new packet versions)
- Fixed sense window crash for some mobs

v440 (2023-06-05)
- Fixed v439 startup crash

v439 (2023-06-05) [bugged]
- Fixed app name showing as package name

v438 (2023-06-04)
- Fixed crash when adding shortcut in v437
- Fixed @storeall crash
- Fixed NPC cutin could interfere when tapping NPC dialog

v437 (2023-06-03)
- Change cart / cart decoration support
- Fixed hotkeys losing other orientation position when changing maps
- Fixed hotkey position validating to out of the screen when changing maps

v436 (2023-05-30)
- Fixed crash (grflib error 14) when patching to empty GRF
- Fixed random SSL protocol exceptions when downloading many files via HTTPS
- Fixed right click menu didn't always show invite to party when needed
- Fixed view other pc equip not working in some new clients (0xb37 packet)

v435 (2023-05-24)
- Fixed RODEX not being able to send mail on certain servers
- Now scaling RODEX windows to fit screen if they are overflowing
- Fixed crash when getting attachment from RODEX mail
- Small update to overhead text style (smaller text, added shadow)
- Fixed incorrect deletion dates for Hercules
- Fixed some types of Token of Siegfried not working
- Can now set separate positions for hotkeys in landscape/portrait screen orientations
- More bugfixes on hotkeys size/position
- Fixed party organization window being below other UI elements
- Added option to enable/disable right click menu on double click on pc
- Fixed null name in right click menu
- Fixed crash on skill selection window packet if it contained skills that are not in skill tree
- Fixed msgstringtable packet displaying wrong message
- Fixed crash when displaying game menu window shortcut for menu item with msgid that is less than 3 characters length

v434 (2023-05-21)
- Now always showing UI windows and hotkeys on top of vending boards
- Right click menu will now scroll if content is too large for device height
- Fixed NPC market close hiding NPC dialog window, which made OnBuyItem scripts not work
- Fixed v433 repute bmp crash on load map for certain servers
- Fixed v433 crash after setting hotkey for some PCs
- Fixed v433 PC couldn't move after leaving NPC market shop

v433 (2023-05-19) [unstable]
- Game menu UI renewal (icons only visible for packet versions >= 20170405 or RE >= 20170329)
- Implemented client animation delays for skills
- Fixed camera zoom and rotation reset after teleportation within the same map
- Implemented right click menu (shown when double-tapping another PC or pressing the interaction button when another PC is focused)
- Implemented ignore list
- Implemented adding guild alliance/antagonist
- Added chat commands /organize, /chat, /guild, /emo, /sit, /stand, /bingbing, /bangbang
- Removed sending emotions by constant name, can now send by commands inside messages of msgstringtable.txt instead; sending by /eXX (XX=number) is still supported too
- /dice is now properly randomized
- Fixed trimming destination PC name when whispering
- Implemented viewing other PC equip
- Profile window will now minimize/maximize on click
- Fixed chat shortcut hotkeys deletion always deleting first hotkey
- Fixed not displaying C-CODE in RODEX
- Fixed game menu window and item description window being below other windows when opened
- Fixed not being able to view tooltips and descriptions of items in RODEX read window
- Fixed item drag in RODEX write window 
- Fixed crash when dragging item in NPC market shop
- Fixed showing sell instead of buy button in NPC market shop
- Fixed incorrect target skill attack animation time for PCs
- Fixed PC showing cast instead of attack animation when using Double Strafe
- Fixed refineui window size being too small
- Fixed removing whole stack of any item from inventory when putting it into trade window, regardless of the amount

v432 (2023-05-14)
- Finished RODEX UI (for servers with packetver >= 20160323)
- Increaesed new char-selection window size
- Fixed refine UI crash from v431

v431 (2023-05-08)
- Some improvements on RODEX inbox
- Fixed ImageDecoder crash when seeing some guild emblems (starting in v428)

v430 (2023-04-30)
- Fixed RO message box with only "ok" sometimes showing "cancel" instead of "ok"
- Fixed cart visible while char invisible

v429, v428 (2023-04-29)
- Fixed quit dialog buttons in landscape mode being off-position
- Fixed crash when creating character in landscape mode for servers with increased max. hair colors

v428 (2023-04-27)
- Support for HTTP guild emblems system
- Support for uploading guild emblems
- Support for custom max inventory client patch
- Support for manner.txt filter
- Fixed barter shop title language
- Fixed custom jobs not being visible on some servers

v427 (2023-04-21)
- Fixed zoom for chat shortcuts not reducing below image size

v426 (2023-04-14)
- Sage effects support
- Fixed crash in guild window on some servers
- Added guild storage checkbox into guild positions window
- Now supporting guild positions modification

v425 (2023-04-07)
- Fixed monster attack animation being too fast
- Now showing crash ID when sending crash report

v424 (2023-04-04)
- Added character creation hex in old char creation screen
- Fixed crash when creating character in old char selection screen
- Added option to set max. trade and max. vending zeny to more than 1b
- Fixed friend list not showing nicknames on some servers
- Reduced spamming server with solvecharname packets

v423 (2023-04-01)
- Added effects for Monk skills and Spirit Spheres display
- Fixed a rare crash when opening other PC's vending while being outside of his view range

v422 (2023-03-29)
- Enabled BG queue by default for clients supporting it
- Fixed crash in BG queue
- Fixed pre-20151001 char-selection window not loading 
- Fixed skill tree not showing certain skills for servers using txt skilltreeview instead of lua

v421, v420, v419 (2023-03-24)
- Draft support for BG queue
- Fixed app crash after selecting character for certain players
- Fixed sprite error in chat when displaying taekwon with any shield
- Fixed incorrect sprite and sprite error when displaying summoner on a cash mount
- Fixed blue char faces in guild list
- Fixed Sniper bird displaying as Ranger bird
- Fixed land skill units not being displayed on certain servers
- Game menu is now using translations from msgstringtable

v418 (2023-03-01)
- Fixed weapon not showing in hands in certain situations
- Fixed bottom row of characters not always being visible in new character selection screen

v417 (2023-02-03)
- Fixed crash when opening app in landscape mode

v416 (2023-02-03)
- Fixed being able to move during certain UI operations
- Fixed cart being visible in GM hiding
- Fixed hotkeys size changing when moving hotkey / changing screen orientation
- Fixed homunculus not working on some servers

v415, v414 (2023-02-02)
- Fixed crash when dragging ammo
- Fixed wrong storage tabs display on some servers
- Fixed storage item visual duplication when scrolling
- Fixed incorrect item count in storage after continuously adding items into a single stack
- Fixed NPC shop selected items not being cleared after shop close
- Fixed NPC shops showing item counts as -1
- Fixed not being able to set buying store
- Fixed crash when finished dragging item to open vending window

v413, v412 (2023-01-27)
- Fixed open vending bug when game could stop responding or prices could shuffle when scrolling
- Fixed bug with highlighting wrong equip point when equipping multi-equip-slot equipment
- Fixed bug with equipping arrows to head top slot
- Fixed costume equipment tab look for some servers
- Fixed other NPC shops and open vending item manipulation bugs
- Implemented support for view equip checkbox
- Small improvements on patcher progress bars
- Stability improvements

v411 (2023-01-26)
- Fixed not being able to scroll the cart
- Fixed two-handed weapon and arrow equipment UI bugs
- Fixed setting vending UI bugs
- Fixed crashes on servers with refining result notification
- Fixed share equip checkbox not working

v410 (2023-01-20)
- Fixed various trade window bugs
- Fixed equipment window when switching characters
- Fixed selling similar items to NPC

v409 (2023-01-18)
- Stability improvements
- Fixed item view description
- Fixed inventory/storage visual gaps

v408 (2023-01-16)
- Stability improvements

v407 (2023-01-08)
- Fixed some problems with the new item UI
- Fixed long NPC input phrase could make the OK button disappear

v406 (2023-01-07)
- Fixed some problems with the new item UI

v405 (2023-01-06)
- Experimental support for new item UI

v404 (2022-12-30)
- Fixed minimap disappearing after switching to another app
- Stability improvements

v403 (2022-12-27)
- Fixed app freezing when many sound effects on some devices
- Implemented Bard/Dancer song effects and Sage land effects
- Fixed NPC dialogs not being scrollable
- Fixed resnametable.txt should skip existing entries instead of overwriting them

v402 (2022-12-26)
- Fixed stability problems on servers with Soul Reapers

v401 (2022-12-25)
- Fixed mounted Mechanic/Ranger display glitches
- Stability improvements

v400 (2022-12-24)
- Graymap can now be patched
- Fixed map loading progressbar glitches from v399
- Fixed map textures glitch after switching back from another app in v399
- Slightly faster app initialization

v399 (2022-12-23)
- Slightly faster map loading time
- Fixed effect NO100_FIRECRACKER crash
- Fixed not displaying messagebox for outdated AndRO version

v398 (2022-12-18)
- Fixed displaying all babies as novices
- Storage password UI mod support

v397 (2022-12-18)
- Stability and security improvements 

v396 (2022-12-14)
- Fixed Angelus effect display (and probable some other effects display)

v395 (2022-12-13)
- Fixed new refine UI bugs/crashes
- Fixed a rare crash in char-selection window
- Fixed crashes on some custom effects

v394 (2022-12-12)
- Fixed chat scroll problem
v393 (2022-12-09)
- Fixed Megaphone announcement display on Hercules
- Support for font size in announcements
- /who command support

v392 (2022-11-16)
- Fixed BGM not playing
- Fixed not displaying monster HP on some servers
- Fixed not having progress bar on reading/downloading file list when initializing

v391 (2022-11-11)
- Fixed empty skill window on some servers

v390 (2022-11-06)
- Updated item naming to pc-like (card prefixes/postfixes, slot enchant colors)

v388 (2022-11-03)
- Maximized chat window will now only scroll to the bottom on new message if it's already on the bottom
- Fixed High Priest palette errors
- Fixed falcon returning to owner could fly too far
- Improved verbosity of robe and palette errors

v387 (2022-11-02)
- Graymap on/off support in settings

v386 (2022-11-01)
- Fixed some bugs for later 2021 client

v385 (2022-10-25)
- Fixed party item pickup notification
- Fixed Blacksmith's Weapon Repair skill not working
- Fixed visual bug with attacking while sitting on some servers

v384 (2022-10-20)
- Stability improvements

v383 (2022-10-18)
- Disabled auto-aim feature by default
- Fixed crash when die while taking damage
- Fixed "Loading resources" dialog not being removed after switching back to the game
- Other stability improvements

v382 (2022-10-14)
- Functor's colored nicknames mod support

v381 (2022-10-13)
- Stability improvements

v380 (2022-10-08)
- Stability improvements

v379 (2022-10-07)
- Fixed problem with v378

v378 (2022-10-05)
- Fixed overhead guild icon still showing above hidden characters in GvG
- Re-implemented login-screen options button (allows to disable high-res textures, interpolation, effects and lightmap, implemented on demand)
- Fixed error when custom Homun/Merc AI used additional include files
- Fixed error when custom Homun/Merc AI used built-in functions (like GetTick) during initialization

v377 (2022-09-14)
- Implemented Alchemist skill effects

v376 (2022-09-12)
- Implemented Rogue skill effects

v375 (2022-09-01)
- Fixed effects flickering when turning camera
- Added option to remove GM sprites

v374 (2022-08-29)
- Support preview for old cashshop patch

v373 (2022-08-27)
- Stability improvements

v372 (2022-08-21)
- Fixed shield sprite errors in chat log
- Fixed rogue and thief with bow attack animation
- Fixed character flickering movement and not attacking when approaching target in certain situations

v371 (2022-08-16)
- Added level up and map warp effect display 
- Can not access password protected chat rooms, change chat room ownership and kick from chat rooms

v370 (2022-08-07)
- Fixed baby classes and trans 3rd jobs job name being displayed incorrectly on some servers
- Fixed overhead progressbar position (skill cast, script progress bar)
- Fixed certain skills level not being selectable while it should be

v369 (2022-08-05)
- Test support for new Refine UI
- Small UI improvements

v368 (2022-07-26)
- Support for custom classes based on LUA files
- Small UI improvements

v367 (2022-07-22)
- Fixed crash when creating character on a server with disabled dorams
- Fixed not showing background image before login screen
- Fixed resume download full client not working
- Fixed some errors during download full client
- Stability improvements

v366 (2022-07-20)
- Fixed not being able to open quick cash shop on some servers

v365 (2022-07-20)
- Improved progress display on download full client / patching
- Small corrections on char deletion

v364 (2022-07-19)
- Internal improvements

v363 (2022-07-13)
- Removed dark theme to avoid fonts problems
- Fixed some small bugs with initial progress bars

v362 (2022-07-11)
- Fixed char deletion date display
- Fixed always selecting 1st char slot for servers with old UI
- Improved login background UI 
- Switched to progressbar on initialization

v361 (2022-07-10)
- Implemented "showscript" overhead message support (0x8b3 packet)

v360 (2022-07-09)
- Stability improvements

v359 (2022-07-03)
- Login and char-select UI improvements and bugfixes
- Fixed teleport message not being displayed

v358 (2022-05-31)
- Improved login, char-select and char-create UI.
- Implemented barter shop support.
- Fixed soft keyboard flicker after input item amount
- Fixed skills not being visible in some servers

v356, v357
- Stability improvements

v355 (2022-05-03)
- Added missing 0xa96 trade packet support (will fix trading problems in newer packet versions)

v354 (2022-04-26)
- Fixed cards with id > SHRT_MAX incorrect display in item descriptions
- Fixed items with id > SHRT_MAX couldn't be equipped from hotkeys

v353 (2022-04-25)
- added customization to allow character instantly stop after joystick has been released

v352 (2022-04-25)
- fixed crit display from katar and crit background color
- fixed not being able to see cart on some characters

v351 (2022-04-22)
- fixed cart inventory not being shown sometimes

v350 (2022-04-21)
- fixed unable to talk to NPCs (since v346?)
- fixed overhead chat message position

v349 (2022-04-20)
- fixed cart inventory not visible on some servers
- fixed v348-specific bug with some walkable cells being non-walkable on vertical maps

v348 (2022-04-19)
- fixed Gepard server invalid password error for some servers
- fixed guild emblem horizontal position for chars near the corners of the screen

v347 (2022-04-18)
- fixed black map in geffenia, odin_tem02 etc

v346 (2022-04-09)
- support for overhead guild emblems in woe
- fixed overhead chat/vending board positions when zooming

v345 (2022-04-03)
- fixed rodex sending invalid charname on send mail
- new rodex read mail packet support
- can now read client quest db from lua (OngoingQuestInfoList.lub)
- cleanup on quest log window
- displaying quest cooldown on quest log window
- fixed crash for servers with packetver < 20110111 (not supporting robe view)

v344 (2022-04-01)
- Fixed application exit after startup
- Fixed startup crash for packetver < 20141016

- No changes

v342 (2022-03-29)
- Ignoring .bik textures instead of crashing
- Show annoying error on failing to parse metalprocessitemlist instead of crashing

v341 (2022-03-07)
- Fixed character getting stuck after cancelling npc shop

v340 (2022-03-03)
- Small server-specific changes

v339 (2022-02-13)
- Improved crash report window for small screen devices

v338 (2022-02-05)
- Implemented body style support
- Implemented Assassin effects
- Fixed a rare GRF read error

v337 (2022-01-26)
- Finished Hunter skill effects (Detect, Spring Trap, Remove Trap, trap explosions)

v336 (2022-01-07)
- Fixed rare mercenary crash

v335 (2021-12-24)
- Fixed bug with new RODEX letter window got stuck when invalid character name was specified
- Fixed bug with new RODEX letter window displayed invalid item when item couldn't be attached for any reason
- Fixed bug with not removing item from pc's inventory when attaching it to RODEX letter
- Implemented new "enable_cashshop_preview" clientinfo option to fix packet problems when using the respective NEMO patch
- Fixed cart/animal was lost on teleportation
- Fixed cart/animal was displayed in hide
- Fixed hotkeys display for items with id > SHRT_MAX

v334 (2021-12-18)
- Re-implemented support of custom icons for the app

v333 (2021-12-17)
- Now displaying extended crash report information in the fatal error window for debug
- Fixed some robes being displayed in front of a character while they should be displayed behind

v332 (2021-12-06)
- Fixed robe animation speed
- Fixed bug with deselecting same items from sale menu (could cause server-side item loss)
- Now displaying HTTP result code when failed to download file from file server
- Crash fix

v331 (2021-12-02)
- Fixed cart animation speed

v330 (2021-11-28)
- Fixed cart animation
- Fixed crash when seeing some characters with cart

v329 (2021-11-23)
- Fixed incorrect display of certain robes

v328 (2021-11-14)
- Fixed not displaying certain robes
- Fixed not being able to see item random options after viewing another item without random options
- Falcon is now displayed
- Hunter's traps are now displayed
- Support for Blitz Beat effect
- Fixed not being ablee to interact with NPC disuised as PC

v327 (2021-09-21)
- Added /savechat command

v326 (2021-09-16)
- Fixed crash when using custom flying damage sprite
- Support for max hairstyle in charselect

- Stability improvements

v324 (2021-07-14)
- Fixed movement problems (started in v323)

v323 (2021-07-05)
- Fixed failing to read resources from GRF with name length > 123
- Fixed skill tree for 2020 packet versions using new skill tree packets
- Fixed all pcs displaying as females (since v317)

- Fixed crash when using ARGB frames in damage sprite (probably incomplete)
- Fixed self 0x2c1 (messagecolor) packet shouldn't display overhead message

- Fixed crash on changing cart to number 13 (mechanical drone)

- Fixed v319 specific error

v319 (2021-06-07)
- Fixed weapons/shields with custom display sprites and ITEMID over 32k not being displayed

- Script input window is now movable (allows to see script message window behind)
- Fixed crashes with some custom sprites

- Implemented animation for moving objects on map
- Support for displaying exp in chat
- Added more skill effects
- Stability improvements

v316 (2021-04-07)
- Implemented Wizard and Blacksmith skill effects
- Fixed certain skill effects collisions with obstacles

v315 (2021-04-02)
- Stability improvements

v314 (2021-04-01)
- Fixed app crashing after login
- Fixed Thor patcher crashing when unpacking .thor files of an older version

v313 (2021-03-25)
- Implemented most Knight and Priest skill effects
- Fixed @hide not actually hiding character
- Fixed emotion and target cursor being displayed under characters feet (since v307)
- Fixed playing BGM when app has been resumed, even if BGM is disabled

v312 (2021-03-12)
- Fixed item links for packet version 20151029 (and probably some others)

v311 (2021-03-10)
- Fixed possible crash in item links

v310 (2021-03-07)
- No changes

v309 (2021-03-05)
- Support for latest format of  tag (2020-2021 clients)

v308 (2021-03-05)
- Few effect bugfixes

v307 (2021-02-25)
- Added chat commands '/effect' and '/mineffect'
- Improved visual sprite intersection with ingame objects
- Fixed certain skill effects blinking

v306 (2021-02-23)
- Fixed using default skill icon for all skills 
- Stability improvements

v305 (2021-01-23)
- Fixed LUA crash (for example, when using homunculus)

- Fixed glitches for servers with clan support (clan system still not supported!)

- Added chat commands '/bgm' and '/sound'
- More work on "Unexpected end of stream" errors when downloading resources
- Moved the show effects checkbox from input user/password screen to login settings screen
- hotfix for changelook packet crash on unknown unit id

v301 (2020-12-25)
- Fixed item link related crash
- Other stability improvements

v300 (2020-12-23)
- Implemented 1st job skill effects, casting circle and more animations (separate module, 100 USD price)

v299 (2020-11-28)
- Improved support for new clients (rsw 2.2, new ping packet, new cash shop packet, new hotkey list packet)
- Stability improvements

- Stability improvements
- Attempt to fix crash related to servers using NPCs with PC sprites
- Fixed Mercenary AI error

- Resources with path not starting with "data\\" are not read from GRF anymore.

- Fixed palette crash for unsupported classes

v291 (2020-10-20)
- Fixed guild flags couldn't be targeted 

- Fixed crash when monster drops an unknown item

- Stability improvements

- Fixed clientinfo in local client not being read from grf files

- Support for *_Sak postfix detection for itemInfo

- unstable
- Fixed local client build issues when using external storage

- unstable

- Fixed multiple color codes nearby each other in script window causing text not being rendered correctly
- Attempt to fix possible crashes when viewing invalid item links

- Fixed fatal error when broadcasting rare item drop / mob kill for some servers

- Crash fix when tried to read a resource with size=0
- Support for spaces in patch file names (thor)

- Fixed npc dialog "close" button being initially visible even when no "close" packet has arrived
- Fixed not requesting permissions to external storage before changing client dir to external storage
- Fixed random errors for players in a party for certain packet versions

- Fixed auto complete nickname for private messages in chat not showing names menu (was hidden behind soft keyboard)

- Attempt to fix the "Unexpected end of stream" error during download
- Support for 0xae2 packet, fixes compatibility with latest rAthena with attendance enabled

v278 (2020-07-26)
- Fixed skill TK_JUMPKICK not working
- (experimental) Lowered minumum required Android version from 7.0 to 5.0

v277 (2020-07-18)
- Stability improvements for packet version 20181107 (and probably some other packet versions)

v276 (?)
- Fixed a GRF bug introduced in v273 (patcher was unable to create a new GRF file)

v275 (2020-07-08)
- Support for reading ExternalSettings_kr.lub for default Doram creation setting

v274 (2020-07-06)
- Fixed BGM looping

v273 (2020-07-01)
- GRF lock during patching; If patching failed, we now wipe full client directory, not only delete the corrupted GRF. Required to prevent client wiping a server GRF and reading Korean resources from data.grf.

v272 (2020-07-01)
- Fixed silent quit instead of error "no space left on device" when downloading full client
- (untested) Fixed damage numbers being shown in WoE/BG
- (untested) Fixed PlayBGM looping while it shouldn't

v271 (2020-06-16)
- Fixed v270 bug (GRFs were read in reverse order)

v270 (2020-06-15) [bugged]
- Implemented status icon descriptions
- GMs chat/name is now yellow
- Displaying haircolor/hairstyle ID when creating char
- No more caching GRFs (slower initialization, more RAM usage, a bit faster gameplay)

v269 (2020-06-11)
- Fixed error: "Array index out of range: 0"
- Fixed guild flag emblems displaying upside down

v268 (2020-06-08) [unstable]
- Jikaricube patch list format support
- Added boolean clientinfo option "read_stateiconimginfo_lub" to read stateiconimginfo.lub file for status icons (default: enabled for luafiles514)

- Star Emperor and Soul Reaper sprites support
- Fixed RGBA SPR frames being displayed upside down
- Implemented reading status icon LUA files
- Fixed status icons not being displayed

- Minor changes

v265 (2020-06-01)
- GRF encryption support
- Fixed bug with ItemIDs less than 500

v262 ~ v264
- Inner changes
- Minimum Android version is now 7.0

v261 (2020-05-08)
- Fixed no level up button for guild skills
- Fixed guild skills not being usable from hotkeys
- Localization of skill failed messages

v260 (2020-04-26)
- More RODEX bugfixes
- Changed default codepage of langtype 0 to latin instead of korean

v259 (2020-04-10)
- Support for Token of Siegfried resurrection
- Fixed RODEX crash when opening a mailbox with npc mails
- Support for emulator detection

v258 (2020-01-16)
- Inner changes

v257 (2019-10-09)
- Fixed maps with texture references with whitespace in the end couldn't be loaded
- Fixed a bug in libgrf which caused GRF file to be corrupted after patching in certain case scenario
- Fixed lowercasing files contained in rgz patches
- Fixed crashes on viewing non-existing items

v254, v255, v256 (2019-07-19)
- Fixed signboards not displaying in their full size, in case their size is > 24x24
- Fixed game menu hotkeys having all the same signatures "GA"
- Packet version compatibility fixes (0xadf packet support)

v252 (2019-06-29)
- Support for Curiosity's LZMA compression of GRF files plugin 

v251 (2017-05-27)
- Fall back to Novice for unknown PC sprites (prevents crashing on servers with custom classes support)

v250 (2019-05-12)
- Banking system support
- Missing robe sprite files no longer result in fatal error
- Support for localized job names from msgstringtable

v248 (2019-05-01)
- Fixed quit game after launch
- Fixed old cash shop buy fail

v247 (2019-05-01)
- Test support for RODEX

v246 (2019-04-21)
- Support for packet versions up to 20190116
- Fixed hang when logging off from map to character selection

v245 (2019-04-04)
- Fixed possible crash after playbgm script command

v244, v243, v242, v241 (2019-01-14)
- Fixed GL_INVALID_VALUE error for some players 
- Fixed disconnect message box not being displayed when being disconnected during map load 
- Restored shadow display under skill units (was accidently removed in v237)

v240, v239 (2018-12-24)
- Now displaying effects: First Aid, Basic Attack, Bash, Fire Wall, Quagmire
- Fixed different size of digits in damage

v238 (2018-11-21)
- Fixed compatibility with later Gepard Shield versions

v237 (2018-11-20)
- Implemented sprite interpolation
- Fixed not being able to buy from cash shop on certain Hercules servers
- Fixed buying store crash on selling full stack of inventory
- Fixed buying store errors with inventory updating and zeny/amount display
- Fixed Teleport menu not showing for later Hercules servers

v236 (2018-10-01)
- Fixed empty cash shop on certain Hercules servers

v235 (2018-10-01)
- Stability improvements

v234 (2018-09-21)
- Fixed exp/job progress bars for PACKETVER >= 20170830

v233 (2018-09-18)
- Fixed font colors issue on devices with light color themes

v232 (2018-09-01)
- Fixed compatibility with Hercules PACKETVER >= 20171207 (packets 0xae4, 0xae5, 0xaf0)

v231 (2018-07-20)
- Fixed NPCs with ID > 10178 displaying as porings

v230 (2018-07-20)
- Support for displaying BMP/SIGNBOARD signs from signboardlist.lub
- Changed soft wraps in overhead boards from word-based to letter-based

v229 (2018-07-20)
- Fixed bug that caused game resources to be re-downloaded each app launch (since v226)
- Increased max.stat and free status points display limit

v228 (2018-07-19)
- Fixed cash shop icon position
- Increased item db cache speed

v227 (2018-07-15)
- Added option to delete corrupted Thor files and to copy their names
- Added option to copy resource names of "resource not found" exceptions (to send them to server GMs)

v226 (2018-07-12)
- max_guildpositions setting is no longer needed. Guild positions list now has dynamic length
- Status window is now displayed below "..." menu button to allow pressing on AGI
- Fixed file corruption when resuming existing files download from file servers with GZIP support
- Increased full client download speed from HTTP file servers with GZIP support 
- GRF caching speed increased.
- Changed error when loading skill effect LUA files to non-fatal

v225 (2018-07-08)
- Fixed crash on some servers with changequest
- Added "disable_doram_creation" clientinfo tag
- Changed default client directory to the default Android directory for app files
- Fixed full client download not supporting resume for servers with GRFs in subfolders

v224 (2018-07-05)
- Improved HTTP file server support. Now support file lists. Details
- Added "fileserver_filelist_url" clientinfo tag
- Fixed Doram skill tree being not visible
- Fixed instant "failed to connect to master-server" on certain devices

v223 (2018-06-25)
- Support for Star Gladiator's Feel message box / reply
- Attempt to fix server selection double tap leading to double server data initialization

v222 (2018-06-24)
- Support for ITEM and NAVI tag in script messages (navi will just print target location tooltip though)
- Fixed some quest log related crashes, implemented "0x8fe quest objectives list" and "0x9f9 addquest" packets support
- Fixed resources not being repacked into GRF when using own HTTP file server
- Added enforce_login_background_id clientinfo.xml setting (to support force first/second login background NEMO setting)

v221 (2018-06-22)
- Changed error when failed to load robe from RobeNameTable_Eng lua file to non-fatal
- Fixed resume full client download not working for certain servers
- Support for "shared_body_palettes_type2" setting of NEMO
- Support for new 2018 dropitem, friendlist and solvecharname packets

v220 (2018-06-07)
- Improved Doram support (can now create Doram, also fixed sprite display)

v219 (2018-05-26)
- fixed crash related to quest window in certain client versions 
- fixed quest window not properly displaying quest description

v218 (2018-05-26)
- enabled reading item links
- maximized chat window can now be scrolled and supports clicks on item links
- Crash fix for free version with no login bg

v217 (2018-05-12)
- Fixed some Gepard 3.0 implementation bugs

v216 (2018-05-10)
- Fixed v215 bug: client download dialog appeared even if client files have already been downloaded
- Free version: support for "txt" keyword in "iteminfo" clientinfo.xml tag, to forcefully read idnum* txt files

v215 (2018-05-07)
- Gepard 3.0 support

v214 (2018-04-21)
- Fixed v213 crash when selecting a character with a guild

v213 (2018-04-21)
- Fixed not being able to target Homunculus/Mercenary/Elemental with a skill
- Added SP heal animation for some skills
- Fixed unit name caption not updating on notification packet if it was already visible
- Fixed URL encoding problems (will result in correctly downloading some custom resources from user resource-servers)

- Fixed glitch with packet version detection

- Shadow Spell packet support
- Changed RSW object load errors to non-fatal which will allow some faulty custom maps to load "well"... 

- Changed login screen controls orientation
- Fixed Homunculus control not available in late packet versions
- Fixed some Quest Log read errors
- Fixed display problems of items with ID >= 32768 in chat and Cash Shop 

- Small bugfixes

- Improved error reporting (more verbose for some errors)
- HTTP support for official patcher

- Fixed some crashes of public build

- Support for local client builds
- Updated packet shuffle to latest packet version
- Fixed new packet versions charinfo packet (int64 exp values)

- Fixed Thor patcher not deleting empty GRF files after deleting all their contents
- Fixed possible crash when failed to get writable files directory on startup


- Fixed crash caused by error message spam


- Update for latest packet versions

- Fixed buying store crash when pressed "sell" with no items to sell
- Changed itemdb resource errors to warnings

- More information on disconnect reasons when failed to connect to login/char/map server
- Added default directory for devices without SD card
- Improved support for late packet versions  

- Fixed problems with new carts display  

- Made fallback for map texture loading when texture is missing

- Fixed startup crash due to lua files

- Fixed transparency problems 
- Ability to drag NPC dialog
- Experimental support for Ragexes up to 2017-06-28bRagexeRE

- Darker login background, for better UI elements visibility
- Fixed HTTP files download resume feature

- Support for GZIP compression in HTTP files download

- Experimental support of setting up custom resource file HTTP server for server owners
- Critical attack display support
- Login background support

v184 ~ v186
- Item random options support
- Robe sprite view support 
- Fixed crash when loading dali/dali02 maps
- Stability improvements

- Corrrupted resources will now act as not found and fall back to dummy resources, if possible (previously crashed app)
- Other stability improvements
- Fixed iRO quest interface

v180, v181, v182
- Fixed some mob attack sounds not being played
- Fixed pet/hom feed crash on some servers
- Fixed iRO character creation
- Fixed parsing of some Thor files
- Fixed palettes for servers with langtype = 0
- Fixed "character creation failed" wrong error messages 
- Fixed pings not being sent during map load, resulting in disconnects for slow downloading users
- Improved Neoncube patcher stability
- Slightly faster app loading time
- Other stability improvements

- Homunculus stability improvements

- Fixed startup crash
- Homunculus stability improvements

- Fixed crash for servers using older trade packet
- Fixed crash when using skills with not standard IDs
- Fixed some crashes for servers using LUA version 5.0.2
- Fixed crash when trying to level up skills

- Fixed some more crashes with Homunculi/Mercs
- Fixed crashes when trading for servers with older packet versions

- Fixed Homunculus crash at map load
- Fixed "Change" button on start screen actually doing nothing
- Fixed username position at login screen

- Fixed Homunculus malfunction if no Mercenary AI files found
- Fixed Hom/Mer button disappearing
- Fixed crash when updating skill hotkeys with no hom/mer
- Fixed not updating skill hotkeys on certain events

- Attempt to fix crash when downloading full client

- Fixed Homunculus/Mercenary button showing when other Homunculus/Mercenary appeared
- Fixed some resource reading crashes
- Added start screen before user/pass screen, to allow user update or send crash report even if he has patcher/initialization problems
- Fixed "timeout while downloading XXX" error for new users
- Added auto-login functionality to automatically login user with the last account if "save user" and "save password" checkbox are enabled

v169 - v171
- Missing body/head palettes will now default to color 0 instead of crashing
- Fixed Neoncube unrar problems since v165
- Fixed problem with repacking resources since v168

- Now supporting rare GRF-formatted .thor files
- Other stability improvements

- Units with missing sprites will now load as porings instead of crashing app

- Can now hotkey "..." button menu items

- Can now further increase hotkeys size
- Fixed skill damage not displayed sometimes
- Improved mercenary support

v163, v164
- Crash fixes for Homunculus
- Fixed crash when feeding pet for some servers
- Some other crash fixes

v161, v162
- Crash fix for v160

- Homunculus AI support
- LUA files now don't error on imports anymore

- Added guessing to delete date values (should fix delete date bug on some servers)
- Separated settings for sitting character deletion and character deletion verification method (birth date or email)

v157, v158
- Fixed Body Relocation not moving character visually
- Fixed skill hotkeys not working after relogin

- Support for "Cart Decoration" carts (previously crashed)
- Support for commands /alchemist,  /taekwon, /blacksmith
- Fixed ground skills bug on distant cells making AndRO crash (since v149)
- Fixed equipment hotkeys not being updated after unequipping item
- Disabled autoselecting monsters to prevent hotclickers

- Fixed parsing of Thor .dat file for some servers

v153, v154
- Fixed problems with character creation for packet version 20141022

- Fixed some .thor files extraction resulting in Out Of Memory error

- More bugfixes to big item id items

- More bugfixes to big item id items

- Homunculus menu, feed, follow and manual skill activation support (AI is not yet supported)
- Support for per character sex in character selection screen (for servers that support per character sex)
- Fixed disconnected from server when leaving vending shop on some servers
- Fixed pet menu messages
- Merchants cannot open shops with item price = 0 anymore
- Fixed crash when character-selecting on some servers
- Fixed Thor patcher could not detect client version on some servers
- Fixed items display for ID > 32767
- Fixed crash on receiving playbgm/merinfo packet
- Fixed other unit HP bars sometimes disappearing when they moved

- Fixed buying store window crashing for some servers
- No more dialog when update is available. A link is displayed on login screen instead.

- Crash fix for v146

- Buying store support
- New (all class) mounts support
- Fixed guild skills level could not be increased
- Fixed status windows showed negative stats when >= 128
- Added support of //comments to neoncube patcher
- Fixed iRO disonnected from server after closing other PC vending / kafra storage

- Fixed crash related to quest list on some servers
- Fixed certain iRO app crashes / disconnects

- Now supporting Thor patcher file deletion

- Implemented automatic error report system

- Support for different GRF names for Thor patcher
- Fixed certain servers always crashing on startup due to faulty packet_db.txt initialization

- Fixed Thor not working with backslash-separated paths in non-grf mode

- Experimental Thor patcher support

- Fixed Neoncube operations not accepting lowercase
- Fixed Neoncube to accept spaces in patch names
- Updated HockeyApp SDK (crash report / auto-update library). This should fix auto-updates installation problem

- Implemented Alchemist/Sorcerer item production support
- Implemented Whitesmith Weapon Upgrade support
- Now supporting accounts with per-character gender (no more crashes)

- Fixed crash when viewing named items
- Implemented item forging support

- Fixed upstats not displayed correctly in status window
- Fixed login crash on Gepard servers

- Fixed login authfail error sometimes not being displayed (iRO)
- Fixed 0xa4 storage packet structure (messed up storage on some servers)
- Fixed sitting character sprite disappearing when character sitting down after "delete character" clicked
- Fixed status window not showing +stats and sometimes not showing guild name
- Slightly adjusted status window ASPD display formula
- Fixed status window to show matk with tilde instead of plus for older servers
- Fixed guild crash due to increased MAX_GUILDPOSITION on certain servers
- Fixed card stack disappearing after being compound even if amount>1
- Added skill shadows for some skill packets
- Now showing extraction progress of RAR patches

- Added support for GM silence sprite
- Fixed "input script text" window did not always show soft keyboard
- Fixed "not enough zeny" message for cash shops to "not enough kafra points"
- Increased character delete button size

- Implemented old char-deletion system
- Fixed crash when opening guild skills tab for some servers

- Fixed Peco Crusader job sprite to proper (previously used old and inactive Peco Peco sprite)
- Added /noshift (alias /ns) command
- Fixed instance maps couldn't be loaded when not in instance
- Added getitem announce support
- Changed default screen orientation from "nosensor" to "sensor"
- Added support for reading multi-job skill requiriments from LUA

- Fixed PecoPeco not being displayed
- Login-server authfail reply will now display messages from msgstringtable

- Quick fix to Android 6.0 Marshmallow crash after loading any map
- Added fast skill up command /fastskup to raise skills without confirmation (not saved when logging out for security reasons)
- Improved flying damage numbers appearance
- Fixed incorrect selection logics resulting in some items like "Pearl" couldn't be picked up
- Fixed "(null)" party name when creating a party
- Smaller stability improvements

- Fixed char-deletion date showing incorrect and also the message text
- Removed the World Map button

- Implemented costume equipment support in equipment menu
- Stability improvements

- Fixed GameMaster sprites sometimes causing crashes

- Fixed some baby sprites crashing client
- Fixed "Disconnected from server" when switching to map-server on a different IP
- Fixed NPC/ITEM/PET/CHAT being treated as enemies in PVP locations.
- Stability improvements

- Fixed crash when logging in with unknown skills
- Stability improvements

- Support for "proxy mode" Ragexe hex modification